Tavituss cough syrup

expectorant, abirritant herbal cough syrup

Packshot Tavituss

The benefits of Tavituss at a glance

  • Promotes expectoration
  • Reduces secretion of the upper airways
  • Reduces the frequency and severity of cough attacks
  • Improves the general state of health and accelerates the healing process
  • Herbal medicinal product
  • Free from lactose, gluten
  • Over the counter
  • from 12 years on up

Made in Austria

Viscous mucus and a strong urge to cough can make a cough attack a torture. Nature has a number of highly effective naturally occurring substances that can be used to treat coughs.

When do you use Tavituss and how does Tavituss work?

Tavituss cough syrup is a traditional, herbal medicine used as an expectorant for coughs associated with the common cold.

Tavituss – the “two-in-one syrup”

  • Dissolves mucus and alleviates cough attacks
  • Improves the general state of health and accelerates the healing process
  • Tastes like a cough syrup should taste

Active ingredient

A combination of fluid extracts from thyme herb and ribwort plantain

thyme herb

  • Abirritant
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiviral

ribwort plantain

  • Expectorant
  • Antispasmodic
  • Disinfectant


  • Children aged 2 to 4:5 ml 3 to 5 times/day
  • Children aged 4 to 12:10 ml 3 to 5 times/day
  • Adults and adolescents: 20 ml up to 6 times/day

Tavituss is available as Tussavit in other European countries


  1. Reinhard Länger, Heinz Schiller. Gesundheit aus der Naturapotheke. 2004. Springer Verlag ISBN 3-211-20321-4
  2. Kokoshian M .et al. Medicina Thoracica Volume III, March 2011, No. 1
  3. Leung‘s Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients, 3rd edition, Wiley & Sons Inc., 2010, http://naturalingredient.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/leungs-encyclopedia-of-common-natural-ingredients-3rd-edition.pdf
  4. Büechi, Wegener, Schweiz. Zschr. Ganzheits Medizin 17, 167-170 (2005)

For further information on safe use, precautions, interactions and undesirable effects please refer to the instructions for use or to a medical doctor or a pharmacist. The product is a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in the above mentioned indication exclusively based upon long-standing use. The product information is referring to the current Austrian approval.

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